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Founded in 1998 by physicians, patients’ parents and representatives from civil society, the Association for Children and Youth with Cancer (TUCCA) works to increase cure rates and improve the quality of life for underprivileged children and youth with cancer.
The name TUCCA comes originally from the acronym for the Portuguese phrase “Tumor Cerebral em Crianças e Adolescentes” (Brain Cancer in Children and Youth), which is no longer used, since the association has expanded its treatment to include patients with all types of children’s cancer.
Hospital de Câncer de Barretos
Founded more than fifty years ago, Hospital de Câncer de Barretos is the most advanced cancer hospital in the country. It attends 4000 patients a day, all of whom are funded by the SUS (Unified Health System - the Brazilian national healthcare system).
Boldrini Hospital
Founded in 1978, the Boldrini Infant Center is a philanthropic hospital specialized in oncology and pediatric hematology located in Campinas-SP, which has become much more than a hospital. Besides the main mission of diagnosis and treatment of patients, assumed an important role in education and training of medical and other health professional programs. Recognized nationally and internationally as a Teaching Hospital, Boldrini also continuously improving through the art of teaching.
The proximity to the State University of Campinas (Unicamp) assists in the scientific and technological development, that has transformed the Boldrini Hospital in one of the largest research centers in Brazil and Latin America in the field of pediatric onco-hematology.